Aj Group Italy – 230 Ar arises on the market as the “rebirth” of a company that has been present on the Arezzo jewelery market for many years, and is born with the desire to create a reality characterized by highly accurate processing and quality of finishing products who know how to fully represent the real Made in Italy in the world.
The Aj Group Italy – 230 Ar collections include a sophisticated range of items, starting from a more classic, but always up-to-date taste, up to the design jewel more marked by the fashions of the moment.
Silver 925 is the raw material with which Aj Group Italy – 230 Ar creates its own products, embellished with galvanic combinations and precious stones, always with an eye to the novelties dictated by the trends that are found in fashion and jewelery.

During the year 2022 we received the following aid:
exemption from the payment of social security contributions for companies that do not require redundancy payments – granting authority: INPS € 9955.53
SME guarantee fund state aid – granting authority: Banca del Mezzogiorno mediocredito centrale spa € 100,000
SME guarantee fund state aid – granting authority: Banca del Mezzogiorno mediocredito centrale spa € 239.7
During the year 2020 we received the following aid:
SME guarantee fund state aid – granting authority: Banca del Mezzogiorno mediocredito centrale spa € 25,000
State aid SME guarantee fund – granting authority: Banca del Mezzogiorno mediocredito centrale spa € 75,000
State aid SME guarantee fund – granting authority: Banca del Mezzogiorno mediocredito centrale spa € 1336.76
Further information can be obtained by consulting the RNA institutional website www.rna.gov.it by inserting our VAT number 02310810516 in the space provided.